The trader's mechanic

In the next major update, we will be adding a trading mechanic.We will add 10 different items and 11 trading cities where you can buy or sell goods.

We will make changes to the Business section. Fields and Workshops will have 2 modes. The first mode is to produce food and tools that will fill your inventory. The second mode is to sell goods at once and bring you income.

Inventory. It appears after buying a horse. It can be expanded by buying a cart ...

Trade. You will be able to travel to cities. In each city you will be able to buy or sell goods from your inventory. Prices will be constantly changing. You will be able to spend fame( influence) to buy rumors from other merchants.

We plan to release in November. We don't know yet if we will be able to do it in early or late November. It depends on different circumstances.



  1. Olá,sou brasileiro,comecei a jogar o jogo hj e já cheguei a um poder absurdo kkkkk,gostei muito e estou ansioso por mais atualizações.

    1. Eu apanhei no início, depois que consegui entender o sistema, no momento cheguei a conde, estou juntando poder pra conquistar cidades.

    2. Virei um Santo Imperador Romano, não tem mais o que fazer depois disso? Já conquistei os 4 impérios e os 4 nortes da África.

  2. Muy bien juego, con ideas interesantes, ansioso por nuevas mecánicas! Saludos!

  3. Создайте сервер Дискорд для общения игроков._.

  4. Estou aguardando essa nova mecânica, o jogo é incrível, vc tem bom gosto para fazer jogos. Acredito que essa mecânica vai agregar muito na dinâmica de ganhos.

  5. Hello? When I got more than 2 billion gold the game suddenly bugged, lost all of the money

  6. walkthrough for beginners -
    buy wheat at Barcelona and sell at Fez, buy iron at Fez and sell in Barcelona and then just start buying workshops as soon as you can while sitting in one place, Fez or Kyiv.

    everything else, like better clothes or a house will come later. that way you can have an empire in no time

  7. Oyun güzel ancak tavsiyem enerji ve şans barı eklemeniz. Mesela savaşlarda ve hırsızlıkta enerjimiz kesin olarak gitsin ama canımız şansa bağlı düşsün

  8. I want you guys to add Poland-Lithuania, Russia, Britain, and the Scandinavia kingdoms to be conquered.

  9. My game crashed, and upon relaunching my 50 workshops were no longer producing tools. I think that's the only true bug I've seen.

    Is there a better way to contact you?

    1. Upon leaving the game, it resets the production setting of your fields and Workshops. Since the default setting is to directly sell the goods instead of stockpiling them, your Workshops might have reverted to that setting.
      I agree though, it'd be cool to have some way to actually contract the dev

  10. Hallo😊 Ein mega Spiel! Kommen noch mehr Erweiterungen? Wir brauchen die Azteken und native Americans😀 Die Zeit zum durchspielen ist bis hier hin genau richtig, finde ich. Hoffentlich kommen noch ein paar Updates 🤗

    Vielen Dank für dieses Spiel❤️❤️❤️

  11. Después de volver a jugar cuando ya lo complete antes de esta impresionante actualización, he de decir que el juego ha mejorado muchísimo, pero no todo es bonito ya que aún quedan errores, por ejemplo. La oferta y demanda, si el precio es 23.90 y lo compras de a 1, el precio es de 23.0 así aprovechando el bug, además de que se puede vender si está a más de 23.0 en el mismo lugar cosa que hace que en 1 día (del juego) realmente puedas completar el juego en cuanto a necesidades de dinero. Por otra parte está el bug de guardado, sucedió cuando yo guardé partida e inicié de nuevo, no perdí ningún progreso ni en familiares ni recursos, solamente pasé de rey a comerciante, incluso con todo el territorio, es algo chistoso.
    Algo que estaría guay es que las tropas tengan niveles, por ejemplo, poder entrenar una guardia personal, por otro lado me gustaría que los enemigos a quienes una vez ataqué hayan posibilidades de que me ataquen también, aumentando la dificultad del juego

  12. Мне некуда развиваться будут ли обновления я достиг поторка в игре за 2 дня

  13. My suggestion is that you create a channel via Discord to bring together the community that likes the game.

  14. My suggestions: 1-Include new friendships that make a difference in endgame 2-Nerf the building system, in a short time of playing you can get very rich with that 3-Explain better how the trade system works, I didn't understand it very well, I ended up not even using it 4-Include new areas to be dominated, areas that need 10 million military power or even more 5-Even with low taxes the population of my cities, villages and castles doesn't increase, it should be clearer how this system works, they only increase if I go there and conquer more 6-Include new titles and things to buy, like better meals, better armor, better weapons, better horses, better houses... 7-Make the game harder, the beginning of the game is hard but when you get to the middle to the end it gets very easy and fast, I conquered everything in a few minutes 2h playing


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